Creating the 'Ethereal' Series

Don't you love a beautiful word? Recently I connected with the word 'Ethereal' and realized it was exactly the word for the type of art I want to make. And along with my recent interest in painting mist I came up with a few pieces that I think capture the essence of the word 'ethereal', don't you?

Shannon Emmanuel and the Ethereal Paintings Care for a closer look? I'd love to show you!

Morning Mist with Heron 'Morning Mist' 10x10" acrylic

This piece entitled 'Morning Mist' has just enough light on the horizon to set off the graceful silhouette of a perching heron. Dusky greys and greens against the hazy clouds creates the most perfect morning view you can imagine.

Forest Fog'Forest  Fog' 10x10" Acrylic

 Another view that seems right out of a storybook - the glazes of paint and vivid brushstrokes create an energetic tree that seems almost lit from inside! As I experimented with painting the limbs and leaves my frustrations got in my way until I began to see in the chaos that an ethereal glow had been created. Do you see it? I'd love to know what will happen next.

Luminous painting by Shannon Emmanuel"Luminous' 10x10" Acrylic

 'Luminous' shines with glow that only a little girl can. Inspired by my youngest daughter trying on a dress for her sister's wedding this year, her little ponytails and shy, downward gaze transformed into a heroine of her own imagination.

 Barn by Shannon Emmanuel

18x20" Oil

A misty meadow, my favourite barn view and a stoic heron atop are only made more special by the ropes of string lights inspired by my own backyard views and my daughter's barn wedding with string lights and chandeliers. 

I love this view and although our old barn is not party ready I could imagine it to be lit by the warm lights and envision it hosting wonderful gatherings while the mist settled in. This piece has been claimed but prints may come available in the new year.

Weeping Willow by Shannon Emmanuel

24x30" Oil

And finally the largest of them all... a weeping willow glistens in moonlight while a little girl with her halo of curls, releases a jar of fireflies to sparkle in the night's mist. 

Her companion - a gentle horse whose white coat shimmers in the oncoming dusk, and the grey heads of cloudy dandelions add to the scene begging the question - is this real or a dream? Perhaps its both. For my 11 year old who posed for this piece riding a horse is a dream we hope to fulfill very soon. 

If you are interested in this piece or any of the above listed works please reach out for details. 

Wishing you beautiful dreams,
